Wednesday 6 June 2012

A cry from the Landimawe Community Nairobi

“When you destroy nature, nature will destroy you” wise words from the late Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai. With these words in mind, the Landimawe  community set out to plant trees on the June 5th 2010 (the World Environmental day) in partnership with; the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, the Ministry of Agriculture, Provincial Administration, NEMA, the Nairobi City Council, and Unga limited as part of their giving back to the Landimawe community which is their neighborhood. 

On 23rd May 2012, to the shock on the community, THE KINGS OUTREACH CHURCH, in the name of "expanding their church" came and cut down the communities natured grafted fruit trees. King Outreach church is the church led by the proclaimed Prophet Owuor the man popularly known  for BAPTIZING THE PRIME MINISTER RAILA ODINGA .
Deut 20:19 “when you are besieging a town and the war drags on, do not destroy the trees. Eat the fruit but do not cut down the trees. They are not enemies that need to be attacked!”
A few questions to the Kings Outreach Church from the community;
  1. Exactly which gospel is this that you want to bring since you are violating the peace and harmony in this community? 
  2. Do you understand the dangers of forest degradation and opportunity for wealth creation through commercial tree farming.
Numbers 35:34 “you must not defile the land where you are going to live, for I live there myself. Am the Lord who lives among the people of Israel”
 3.       What solution will you provide to the youth and this community’s food security initiative? 

Yes, this initiative gave this community particularly the youth something to look forward to.

Jeremiah 2:7, “and when I brought you into a fruitful land to enjoy its bounty and goodness, you defiled my land and corrupted the inheritance I had promised you.”

The Church has a responsibility of standing up and speaking out for the weak but the Kings Outreach Church has instead decided to be OPPRESSORS OF THE WEAK.